The Importance of Project Communication in Covid-19 Risk Management

It is said that 90% of a project managers time is spent communicating. As the global pandemic continues, communication has been, and remains to be, the key to managing the risks. We can take a range of preventative measures such as education, limiting travel, testing, isolation and hygiene, but these are generally inward-facing.


How do we manage the external issues and risks created by Covid-19?


How do we manage the supply chain risks?




The key, as with the rest of project management, is in communication. Asking the right questions and fully understanding the answers.


Where are components being manufactured/assembled? Where are the subsuppliers? Can we get it locally?  Can the equipment be used (temporarily or at reduced capacity) without specific parts? What do we do if items/materials are delayed? What is the shipping route? How many transhipments/opportunities for delays? Are there alternatives routes? How do we keep up to date on the status of supply items?


These questions need to be asked all up and down the supply chain, and clear information needs to be provided to the project. It is not just the Project Manager or the expeditor responsible for this; suppliers and consultants need to fully understand their ecosystem to make informed decisions and provide timely information.


Throwing your hand in the air and blaming Covid for delays to materials, human resources and shipping may have been acceptable in the first few months. As we continue on this journey, clients will demand a firm strategy for how you will deliver.


The risk to the project is not the pandemic. This can’t be controlled. The risk is how this manifests itself in your project supply chain.


Clients work with suppliers who understand, monitor and properly communicate their new “Covid-normal” business model. This is a shared experience, and we all play an important part.


As I always say “Bad news is best given early”. The earlier you know about an issue, the more time you have to manage it.



Communicate – Communicate – Communicate







“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

-Albert Einstein

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